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Family Travel Planning Made Easier

Trusted Blogger

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We are The Family Backpack,

a family lifestyle company launched in March 2017.

The Family Backpack is designed to make family travel planning easier. Simply, that’s our mission. We’ve created a curated guide by taking the best family travel blog posts and making them searchable. Our team logs endless hours reading through hundreds of family travel blogs to determine which posts offer the most information, best advice, and inspire family travel.


Become a Trusted Blogger

Do you have a post(s) that you think would be a fit for our site? You can submit posts directly on our Homepage or click here.


Once Your Post(s) Have Been Approved

Trusted Blogger Badge

Add The Family Backpack trusted blogger badge to your site. Let everyone know you are a trusted resource.


Create a short 2-minute video and tell your story: who you are, how many kids you have, where you will be traveling to this year and a funny story or a tip about traveling with kids. We will post and promote this on our social media channels. See what others have done.

Questions? Feel free to contact us at any time!

“Since being featured on The Family Backpack, they have become one of my Top 10 referral sources and, even better, nearly all of those click-throughs were from first-time visitors. My bounce rate was in line with all other sources. I love Andrea’s vision for The Family Backpack and am excited to continue to be a part of the site.”

Eric Stoen, Travel Babbo – Take Your Kids Everywhere!®




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